
Career Info

Tips to become the winning candidate 

What might an application targeted to a company or organisation entail? First as an applicant, you have to understand that competition for vacancies within the various sectors of the Gambian economy is very high. Thus, it’s important you stand out from the crowed and get visible. The tips included in these pages are designed to help you make successful applications within a competitive environment.

From information to communication

In order to make a successful application, it is necessary to be able to identify your skills, competencies and achievements. Of equal importance is your ability to communicate on your profile, to go beyond a first informative stage.

Personal Profile

Many companies and organisations in the Gambia now use online application form in their websites or in job search websites such as Gamjobs. Others use an electronic application form send by email.

Whatever the case, this section can help you  write concise personal profile related to your experience and competencies/skills.

→ download samples of personal profiles here

CVs or Resumes

Your CV is the first opportunity to make your case to a recruiter telling them why you are more suitable than others for the job which you are applying for. Your CV is a selling tool or advertisement for you and not just an account of your experience. And thus, must show the benefits of hiring you over other candidates. It may be hard to see yourself and your experience in terms of benefits for a prospective employer but in order to ensure the greatest chance of success you must draw out your achievements and highlight ‘what you can do for them.

→ download CV templates here

Cover Letters

Now days, many companies or organisations in the Gambia request cover letters to be send with their application forms. Given that these are the initial (and possibly only) part of the application that may be scanned or read for eligibility, it is vital that they make a sufficient impact and include the essential skills and competencies of the applicant at a glance.

→Read samples of cover letter here


Networking skills are becoming an essential part of effective job searching. Gathering information and gaining insights into the various companies and organisations through developing professional networks can make the difference in getting specific information on fields or functions of interest, and can lead to making focused and successful applications in the areas of choice.

Selection procedure

Recruitment into the various multilateral organisations is highly competitive. Understanding the complexity of the various recruitment systems can make a substantial difference in the outcome of your application.
→ Selection procedure

Preparation for interview tips

 Job interviews  can be a daunting, scary experience but you can ditch the nerves by preparing answers to popular interview questions before you head out the door. →Read our interview tips here



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