Child Protection Alliance (CPA) The Gambia is a membership organisation with over 48 members working for and with children. Since its inception in 2002, CPA has devoted itself to promoting and protecting the Rights of Children through advocacy and lobbying strategies, strengthening the capacity of civil society and the government. Over the years, with proactive engagement and networking, CPA has witnessed some positive trends taken by the community, government and other stakeholders in protecting and preserving the rights of children for example, the Children’s Act (2005), National Child Protection Strategy 2016 – 2020, Child Safeguarding Policy and the establishment of the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare as well as the Directorate of Children.
Child Protection Alliance intends to adopt the approach of conflict sensitivity and Do-No-Harm in its interventions protecting, promoting and advocating for the rights of every child in The Gambia. With this approach, we anticipate effective and efficient ways of achieving our set objectives of the SIDA-CSO 2022- 2026 project.