Daycare Description
Glowing Future Academy is a newly established daycare center in Bijilo, the Gambia which is seeking to employ experienced daycare caregivers. A positive, vibrant energy and a willingness to learn are a must!
Location: Bijilo behind the Qatar Embassy
We are responsible for:
1. Three times feeding in a day
2. Potty Training
3. Always playing with the kids
4. We teach kids
5. We make kids sleep
6. And other amazing facilities
1. One year experience
2. Must be well vested in jolly phonics
3. Must be computer literate
4. Should possess strong written and communication skills.
5. Early childhood development certificate required
6. Should live around Bijilo preferably.
7. Working hours: 7am to 6pm, Mondays to Fridays
Send in your CV and application letter to :