The National Environment Agency (NEA) was established under the National Environment Management Act (NEMA), 1994 as a semi-autonomous agency with an independent structure to serve as the “principal body responsible for overall management of the environment” in the Gambia.
The NEA is the advisory body to the National Management Council (NEMC) on the formulation, review, revision and repealing of environmental policies, plans, standards, guidelines, criteria and regulations. The NEMC is the main policy-making body for the environmental management in the Gambia. This Council is chaired by the President of the Republic of the Gambia, with the Ministers responsible for the following Ministries as members: Natural Resources; Agriculture; Health and Social Welfare; Finance and Economic Affairs; Trade Industry and Employment; Local Government and Lands. The Executive Director of the NEA serves as Secretary to the Council. In addition to the composition of this council, the President may co-opt any person into the Council as member.
The NEA’s Mandate
The mandate of the NEA is largely coordination, advice and consultation, overseeing compliance and providing technical services. Under the NEMA, 1994, NEA is empowered to take direct implementation of actions in matters dealing with environmental impact assessment, establishing environmental quality and monitoring standards, and controlling the importation and use of pesticides and hazardous chemicals. In the area of environmental quality (mainly pollution control), the NEA has the mandate to enforce compliance with national standards and has the legal authority to seek redress whenever there is non-compliance under the guidance of the Polluter Pays Principle.
Environmental Legislation
The following are some environment legislations the NEA is implementing;
- National Environment Management Act, 994
- Hazardous Chemical and Pesticide Control and Management Act, 1994
- Environmental Protection (Prevention of dumping) Act, 1988
- Hazardous Chemicals Regulations, 1999
- Environmental Discharge (permitting) Regulations 1999
- Environmental Quality Standards, 1999
- Pesticide Licensing Regulations, 1999
- Ozone Depleting Substance Regulations, 2000
- Ant-littering Regulations, 2007
- Ant-littering Regulations, 2007
- Ban on Plastic Bags Order, 2015