
Post Archive by Month: October,2015

The most critical 21st Century skills

The 21st century skills are skills every HR is looking for. They are more than computer and technology skills. These are skills, without which, you cannot successfully participate in the Gambian economy—and global economy at large. It is a fact that changes to the economy, jobs, and businesses over the last several decades have reshaped workplaces and the nature of

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How to scale up your startup?

Steve Blank and Bob Dorf in their book “The Startup owner’s manual” defined a Startup as “a temporary organization in search of a scalable, repeatable, profitable business model”. From this definition; we know that startups are not simply smaller versions of larger companies because Companies’ executes business models where customers, their problems and necessary product/service features are “knowns”. Apart from

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Why invest in the Gambia?

What attracts investors into a country is a matter of scholarly debate in our today’s highly optionate and talkative society. Some believed that political institutions are the most important determinants and others say government fiscal policies (e.g., spending and taxation). Whatever your opinion; The Gambia, one of the greatest explosions of new possibilities in Africa, is lucrative for investment. The

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How can you turn your internship into a full time job?

It is not only phenomenally important to complete an internship to avoid “the how-can-I-get-experience-if-I-have- no-experience dilemma”; but also your internship can earn you a full time job. In fact most employers increasingly see their internship programs as the best path for hiring entry-level candidates meaning your internship can be an avenue to a full time job. But how can you

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Is technology making rural-urban migration in the Gambia irrelevant?

Is Technology making Rural-urban migration in The Gambia irrelevant? A cause of Labour turnover is the massive movement of people from rural Gambia to urban Gambia, not only are they moving but with many businesses—taking jobs with them. Now businesses can operate anywhere; thanks to the ubiquity of internet and other cheap convenient forms of instantaneous communications. For example a

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Why choose a career that fits you well?

Success comes naturally when your career fits you well. This does not mean choosing a big money career such as investment banking, medicine or law. Money is one way to measure success but prestige is another. If you are not happy with your job, the money or prestige will not be enough. It is good to have above average earning

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Does high unemployment rates means there are no jobs in the Gambia?

The Gambia’s job market is a highly volatile place today with many jobs to be filled and many people including non Gambians jostling to fill them any given time. Why is this? This is because of technological and social change. The Gambia is taking advantage of the phenomenal changes in technologies, developed during the preceding decades—the computers, digital electronics, and

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