
5 Tiny Reasons Your Job Applications are not Successful

By Ebrima Sawaneh

Many new job seekers tend to wounder why they are not shortlisted after meeting the basic educational requirements for a job advert. However, if we take a serious review of most applications, you will found out that most first time applicants ignore the common saying “first impression matters”.

In this article, I have reviewed 5 tiny but important mistakes first time job seeker usually commits.

1. Unprofessional Email address

You may be using “funny” email account or name whiles going to school, however certain email addresses or email account name should not be used for a professional job application. You should not email your CV or applications using funny email accounts such as,

Why should someone employ the bad boy in town to run their office? In addition to email address, also check your email account name. Use your real and formal name as your email account name like Modou Dem or Ebrima Njie. A Recruiters can use this information to make first impression about the applicant.

2.  No Greetings or email content

When you are applying a job via online form filling, there may be no space to greet the recipient. However, where you are asked to send your CV and application via email, always greet the mail recipient. It does not matter whether you know the recipient of the application or not. I have seen job application emails and the only content in the email was ” attached is my cv” or “my brother asked me to send this CV to you.” This is a clear sign that you do not care much about the job or the first time relationship. Please show them you are ready to enter the formal sector.

3. Photo in CV

Sometime people insert their photo in the CV, however some applicants get the whole concept wrong. If you want to add it, use a picture that is suitable for office. Do not use a full picture except if you are applying for a fashion and modelling job or the job advert asked for it (which I very much doubt). The way you dress matters to most recruiter, so if you still want to add, then do not go out of the scope.

4. Poor CV Content

Let assumed you have no issue with your email address or photos, the next and much bigger issue is the CV content. If you are not sure, try to google about the content of a CV. The content should be written in a formal tones and no social media abbreviation. Try to also avoid basic spelling mistake. Better still engage the service of professional firm like to review your CV before sending it to a prospect employer.

5. Social media activities

Do you know that your email address is an online address for you? Just like your house number, employers can use your email address and search about you on most social media including Facebook.

If they found you, they will be interested to know what you do on these sites. Very few employers would employ someone who shares hatred message or nude pictures on Facebook. If truth be told, you should be very careful on what you put on social media. Some of the pictures or comments are already hurting some people somewhere.

13 Virgin Airlines crew members were fired after publicly discussing aspects of their job on Facebook. They shared the number of times that certain airplace engines had been replaced and that the cabins were infested with cockroaches.

If a recruiter found certain unethical practices or comment on your status, your name will mostly like deleted from their list of potential applicants.

Well, the next time you are planning to send your CV for a new job, you should review these 5 important points and possibly engage a CV review service to increase your chance of shortlisting.

About Author,

Ebrima Sawaneh is a professional accountant and part-time blogger, who writes about personal finance and small business in Gambia. You can link with him Facebook or his personal blog:

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