
A daunting challenge in the life of a graduate during the process of seeking employment

Usually, graduations are term as achievement and show some degree of success. It is very beautiful to see one-self graduating from a university. Grandaunts tend to have rationale and super spirits whenever they think of the life that awaits them.

From the four years’ experience, they will take with them the memories, good and bad and as well relationship that they made with others.  From those experiences they have learned and grown and will continue to do so. The decisions they made come in part from the choices they have already made. The past four years might have been easy for some and a struggle for others. Indeed, going through university education is a great challenge. As a results, graduates always believe that life outside the circle of university education will not be as hard as pursuing a degree, rather it will be easy, smooth, nice and filled with lots of opportunities. in fact, They never knew that the water that awaits them at the end of the tunnel is not drinkable. The better sweet experiences can either damage or make one strong. The challenge, deceits, counterfeits, lies, disappointments, disapprovals, rejection juts to name a few is always waiting to deal with them.  With the hard and uneasy economic condition in the country, people are venturing in anything and at the expenses of everything just to make ends meet. Finding a job can become very difficult for grandaunts thus the available job doesn’t match the available candidates.  They move from one office to another just to secure a job. Sometimes they meet with difficult people with infected mentalities and behaviors. Some employers will go the extreme mile to demand unethical behaviors in exchange for a job. Some will not give it to you because of your religious believes. Others will want to change your dress code. Some will want you to be just like them, these and many others just to name a few is disturbing graduates. In some work places they can be very inconsiderate when dealing with jobseekers/employees. 

However, graduates shouldn’t be in a rush when finding a job. They need not show any sign of desperation no matter the condition or challenges they are facing. Rather they need to be strong, patient, and optimistic and keep trying.   Finding a job will not be a bed of roses. It will be peddles that they have to walk on barefooted. They should gather all the courage they will need in order to stay normal. They shouldn’t grab a job just for the sake of securing a job. Rather they should take up job when they are happy taking it and it suits their qualification. No one should entertain harassment from employers before given them a job. Graduates should be strong enough so that they will not be beggars with qualification.

Do not stop searching, be in progress, and be not afraid to discover new opportunities for your professional development. However, not every graduates should depend on being employed rather one should try creating an avenue were they themselves can create employment and help in the development of the Gambia. This includes, not stereotyping jobs and the wiliness to venture into entrepreneurship and using their talents in innovating things that will be of benefits to the society and the world at large. Not everyone can be employed. In fact, everyone can become an employer. And this is only a dream which can only come true when graduates start to act like educated people and not just people with books.

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