
Does high unemployment rates means there are no jobs in the Gambia?

The Gambia’s job market is a highly volatile place today with many jobs to be filled and many people including non Gambians jostling to fill them any given time. Why is this? This is because of technological and social change. The Gambia is taking advantage of the phenomenal changes in technologies, developed during the preceding decades—the computers, digital electronics, and the internet- that revolutionized the entire industry. As a result, many jobs are been created in business (ICT Firms, GSM companys, Banks, Real estate’s, consultancy firms etc) that didn’t exist 10 or 30 years ago, while other positions now becoming obsolete, are gradually vanishing.
Business are also under huge financial pressure today as investors in companies are demanding ever-higher rates of return on their money meaning corporate managers are required to produce ever-increasing profit margin which can be done by reducing cost and improving productivity—doing more with less. In a nutshell, companies are under continuing pressure to reduce or eliminate many positions that are view as nonproductive
Generally speaking, potential employers aren’t actually interested in your skills—they’re interested in how those skills can help them meet their needs.

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