
Things you should never mention in an interview

By Ousman Seckan

The excitement you feel when called for job interview is quite phenomenal, but this excitement can be ruined  inadvertently when you do not know the right respond to a few interview questions. Scores of interviewees in the Gambia are usually eager to respond to questions instead of carefully analyzing them for befitting responses. In this article, I will elaborate the main things you should never mention in an interview.

1.Yes or No answers

Interviewers often ask open- ended questions. This means you are to explain or elaborate what you are asked, but not to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ only. Responding to open ended questions with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer gives the impression that you have nothing to offer or you simply do not understand the question. However, do not hesitate to ask the interviewer to repeat his/her question if you don’t understand.  As a candidate, each time you are asked an open – ended question, you must give details and provide examples where possible.

2. It is on my curriculum vitae

When you are asked something never say it is written on my CV or resume. You can be dropped or a red flag can be raised for saying that. The interviewer knows very well that it is written on your CV; what she/he wants is for you to speak about it perhaps in detail. The reason you are called is for you to converse with the panel or interviewers not to refer them to the written document. Remember your  CV is meant to guide the interviewers regarding their  line of questioning, as such, you are required to master it in order to give the  spoken version of it during interview.

3. Criticizing other applicants and former employer

No question should tempt you to criticize other applicants or your erstwhile employer. It can be suicidal to do so. Speak of your potential and what you can offer when hired, but never speak ill of your colleagues or former employer. Doing  so, will  expose how unethical  and ungrateful you are, which can eventually mar your  selection.

4. I do not have a weakness

It is a common knowledge that every human being has a weakness. In light of that, it will be foolish and irrational of you to say that you have no weakness when asked to state your weakness. What you may fail to understand is that even the interviewer who asks you this question has a weakness he/she is battling with. In that regard, there is no sense in concealing  your weakness. What you need to say when asked your weakness is to turn it into something positive, which can even be viewed as a strength.

5. How soon will I be promoted?

Never ask this question during interview because you are not even  assured of your selection. In fact, promotion in any vibrant organization is based upon satisfactory performance appraisal. This means rising through ranks is not automatic. You have to prove your worth to the company or organization in order to be promoted.

6. What will be  my salary?

In the Gambia, Many job applicants are eager to know their salary and hardly hesitate to ask about it, sometimes at the wrong moment.  It must be understood that your payment will usually commiserate with your qualification and experience. Knowing this, you can now prevent yourself from asking this question. However, you maybe asked to state your anticipated salary at the end of the interview. Please, don’t mention any amount. In answer to this question, you can say you’re with the  believe that your salary will match with your qualifications.

About the author

Ousman Seckan is a freelance journalist and blogger. He holds an Advanced Diploma in Journalism and Communication. You can follow him on: httpts:// or or send an email to:  

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