
Unconventional tips to finding a new job in the Gambia

We all know the clichés when looking for a job. Have connections, put out a good resume, dress nice, follow-up, and so forth. It’s annoying looking for advice and getting what should be common sense. The problem is that everyone else is doing these things, and they won’t help you stick out from the crowd. Sometimes you have to think outside the box. Follow this guide to get there.

Make Your Resume Unique

If your job involves graphic design, and you have skills in that field, why turn in a boring piece of paper or just a sample PDF? There are ways to make your resume stand out. Though it is not relevant to turn your resume into chocolate bar wrappers, billboards, it is important to spend time on it and make it look great. You don’t have to pour hours into creating your resume, but try something different and you’ll be surprised at the results. It’s all about getting noticed.

Get a Partner to Help You Out

Imagine job searching as training.As with any training regimen, having a partner usually works out better. Whether it’s your spouse, a friend, or family member, having someone look through your applications and resumes, pick you up when you’re feeling down, and do everything alongside you is a good way to stay motivated.

Do Some Research on the Company Before You Apply

If you find an interesting job, why not do some research before you apply immediately? Look at the company’s website and see what they’re about. Take a look at who is going to interview you, what interests them, and what their pet peeves are.

You don’t need to do so much digging that it comes off as a little weird, but by showing some familiarity when you’re being interviewed, you’ll come across as more hirable than someone who doesn’t know what the company culture or the people you’re going to work with are about.

Network with employers

In the Gambia, the adage, is whom you know that leads you to your dream dream job. While this is not true, it is important to get to know people and employers that matters in your field. This will give you chance to know new people and the expectation expectation of employers. One of the networking events you can attend is the after 5, organised monthly by the Young Entrepreneurs Association.  You can also attend the regular capacity building workshops organised at American corner, Kairaba Avenue.

Don’t Forget to Call

With so many people posting jobs online at  doing business online, and communicating through messages, calling has almost become a lost art. However, calling a company, even if they don’t have a job posted, can get you a job. First, it connects you with the company on a personal level. Second, they may need your skills, but have yet to post a job listing. Be cordial, not pushy. Also, if they no calls, definitely do not call.

Schedule, Schedule, Schedule!

When searching for a job, you may end up getting distracted, or procrastinate your search. Putting it off and wasting your time on irrelevant nonsense can be the difference between getting hired and staying unemployed. Odds are, you have a smartphone with calendars and alarms. Make a schedule every day to look for jobs, and make it habitual.

No matter what you’re doing, no matter where you are, drop everything and search.

Apply for the Job You Want

Don’t apply for every job under the sun, especially ones you aren’t interested. If you’re an artist, apply to jobs where you’ll be designing works of art you’re interested in. If that interest isn’t there, the passion isn’t there, and the quality will suffer.  Anything you get that you’re not interested in will be a lateral move. Apply for the job you want. It’s not bad to be picky. Don’t use your talents on jobs you have no interest in doing. You’ll regret it later.

Work on Personal Branding

This is a well-trod path in 2017, but not everyone is doing it right. It’s not just about tweeting or blogging or being active on social media. It’s also about what comes up in a Google search. Almost 80 percent of job recruiters are looking at your reputation online, exactly as you look up the companies you’re interested in.

You should be working to clean up your reputation as much as possible.

Always Talk With Your Previous Employers

This is especially true if you’re self-employed and rely on clients. Talk to your previous clients. Maybe they need more work, but didn’t want to contact you because you were busy. Alternatively, ask the clients if they know someone who needs more work. Surprisingly, many forget to do this, so make sure you are.

Searching for a job can be difficult, but with a little bit of thinking, you’ll be able to get it. Try something new, and the employers will come running.

About the author

Susan Ranford is an expert on job market trends, hiring, and business management. In her blogging and writing, she seeks to shed light on issues related to employment, business, and finance to help others understand different industries and find the right job fit for them. Learn more about her work at:

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