
Why advertise your vacancies with

Below are some, but all the many reason why employers should choose to list there vacancies.

 Free and easy to register, post jobs, or view candidate profiles or download their CV

The site have over 5000 users, best Google ranking and strong social media presence

User friendly and highly interactive

Quirk and professional response to all queries

Flexible payment options; by Paypal, Cheque, Bank transfer and Cash ( upon delivery)

Has inbuilt and fully secured recruiting technologies that permits employers to:

  • view professionals Curriculum and contact details qualified prospects
  • Head hunt professionals already employed with other companies of the same sector
  • Receive notification of new resumes that match the requirement of their job offer
  • Receive notification of candidates that apply for their job listing.
  • Edit their job list at any time
  • Option to renew or delete job listing
  • Declare jobs filled and stop receiving any further application after closing date for application.
  • Invite qualified candidates to apply for your job vacancies
  • Include company logo on job list ( optional)

Contact us

Coastal Road, Sinchu Alagie, Opp. Garden Junction.

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