
Why choose a career that fits you well?

Success comes naturally when your career fits you well. This does not mean choosing a big money career such as investment banking, medicine or law. Money is one way to measure success but prestige is another. If you are not happy with your job, the money or prestige will not be enough. It is good to have above average earning career that fits your talents. The wrong career can give you stress. Physiological research shows that a lot of stress at work makes people age faster and die young; and people who work using their talents fully live longer and enjoy better health and as a result more vitality and well-being in all aspects of their lives. So, it is not an exaggeration to say that the single most critical element in a career satisfaction is the match between your ‘innate abilities’ and the functions you perform at work each day, every day. By innate abilities, I mean the complex combination of talents, abilities and aptitudes that makes each of us naturally gifted at certain activities and less gifted at others. This goes beyond personally and interest.

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