
Common errors young Gambians make online when applying for jobs

By Ousman Seckan

Do you follow Gamjobs on social media? If yes, perhaps you have been seen several wrong ways some Gambians apply for jobs online. Well, Gamjobs has over the years compiled these not-so-good job application methods, and now wish to use them to advise job seekers on how they can change their application procedures that would lead them to career success. In this article, I outline 9 weird ways Gambians apply for jobs, which in most cases, lead to failures and difficulty in even getting an interview.

1. Don’t write telephone numbers on the comment section of  job posts

It’s common among young Gambian job seekers to write their telephone numbers on the comment section of a job advert expecting that the recruiter will call them to offer them the job. Ironically, as a job seeker, writing your telephone number, manifests your ignorance of the details of the job advert because no job recruiter would ask you to apply for a job by writing your telephone number or expressing your interest on the comment section of the post. Henceforth, stop writing your telephone numbers beneath a job post as recruiters hardly get notice of them, and even if they do, they wouldn’t call you based on the numbers you provide or comments you make. If you see a job post that you’re interested, click on the link to learn more about the requirement and apply using the right channel, if you are convinced that you are qualified for the job.

2. Don’t write “I am interested’’ in the comments section of jobs, apply if you are interested

For every job posted on Gamjobs’s social media channels, we receive tones of messages and comments that read:  “I am Interested”. If you are interested in the job, apply for it. That is, read more about the requirements, and send your application to the recruiter. Writing ‘‘I am interested’’ as comments will not earn you the job.

3.  Don’t send certificates when recruiter says send just CV and Cover Letter

It all goes down with the advent of technology, many hiring managers would ask applicants to send their applications – CVs and cover letters via email. Thereby, doing away with the old system of submitting your documents in person. However, it’s quite disheartening that there are people who would still be adamant in sending their certificates and attestations to either Gamjobs or recruiters hoping to get jobs. This not in any way what you’re asked to do! If the recruiter says send your CV and cover letter, please limit yourself to only your CV and cover letter, and  nothing else! Always remember to carefully read the requirements of the job and application procedure before even attempting to send your job application.

4.  Make proper follow up not just any follow up

Gamjobs often receives calls and messages from its followers regarding “how to apply jobs” where as this information is clearly stated in the job advert. Save yourself from hassle – travelling to Gamjobs or making unlimited calls. If you read the job advert properly, you would know how to apply the job you’re interested in.

In most cases, job applications are reviewed by recruiting companies themselves, not Gamjobs. So, you need not to call Gamjobs about the fate of your application or post your documents on the comment section or send them to Gamjobs since we aren’t the recruiter.

In recent times, many companies and recruiters prefer job applications be sent to them via email to do away with wasting time and resources. In compliance, send your application via email when you are told to do, so as to avoid going to the recruiter’s office just to drop your application because it can be embarrassing sometimes. To avert finding yourself in a funny situation, always read every detail of job adverts pedantically, please!

5. Apply for specific jobs and avoid looking for any kind of jobs

It really irritates recruiters to reviewing cover letters with titles applying for any jobs when the title of the job position is clearly stated in the job advert. Yet, many young Gambian job seekers do this. If you want employers to take you seriously, don’t apply for any job, but apply for jobs that suit your needs and you are qualified for. Applying for any job, shows that the applicant has no direction or sense of purpose as to what he/she really wants. Therefore, the only place an application with such a subject line fits is the trash bin!

6. Send the same cover letter to several recruiters without even changing addressee

It’s hard to believe, but Gamjobs has documents and cover letters that candidates sent to various recruiters applying for the same position, and often times, without even changing the addressee. This is totally wrong! It reveals that you’re neither qualified for the job, nor serious about getting employed. It also gives the recruiter the impression that you are lazy. Please, customize every job letter to a specific job and address it properly.

7.  CVs without references

When a recruiter says send a CV that includes two references, why then send your CV without references? This makes no sense! In the Gambia, some people do apply for jobs without providing references, even if it is clearly stated as a requirement in the job advert. It’s either they don’t read or read in haste. References are professional contacts who advocate for your candidacy. As such, providing them in your CVs, especially if requested by a recruiter, is absolutely necessary.

8.  Avoid using shorten words

Many job seekers in the Gambia use shorten words in their cover letters either to save space or as a result of ignorance. This is wrong! A hiring manager may not be familiar with complex acronyms and industry-specific terms. Additionally, abbreviations can sound informal and diminish your overall professionalism. Applying for jobs is not a child’s play, and should be taken seriously. The use of abbreviation and acronyms can make a hiring manager misunderstand some of your sentences or paragraphs. So, it’s best to avoid them!

 9.  Use proper email address

Avoid the use of email addresses that are informal; an email address that contains unimaginable names can turn off an employer. It is advised that you use an email address that includes your full name, first name/last name, initials, or a minor variation. However, always avoid including your birth year, nickname, hobby, or any personal information in your email address. Anything that unveils your political and religious ideologies shouldn’t be captured in your email. We have observed that some young Gambian job seekers are using such unprofessional email addresses.

 About the author

Ousman Seckan is a freelance journalist and blogger. He holds an Advanced Diploma in Journalism and Communication.

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