

How to Build and Sustain a Healthy Employer – Employee Relationship?

By Ousman Seckan I will begin by stressing that no matter the situation at the workplace, collaboration is always better than confrontation. While some business executive in The Gambia work  hard to ensure a healthy employer – employee relationship frictions at workplace, some are not. This friction can emanate either from the employer or the employee . In this article, I explain ways

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New Feature – Jobs alerts has new feature that notify candidate of jobs opportunities based on their preferences. In this new feature, candidates can choose to receive job alerts base on job category, keywords, job location or job types etc. They can also choose the frequency they want to receive this notification (i.e. Daily, Weekly or monthly) To set this up, visit, login

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How to detect a fake job advert?

By Ousman Seckan While the social media hasease theway we search and find jobs, it hasalsobrought several challenges for job seekers. One of these is a fake job advert. Sometimes jobs advertised on-line and even in newspapershave been found to be fake. The fraudsters capitalize on desperate situations of job seekers, especially young graduates and defraud them of their meager

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Reasons staff  appraisal must not be mistaken for witch-hunt

By Ousman Seckan In the Gambia, some workers fear performance appraisal because  they  see it as a witch -hunt meant for supervisors  to expose their weakness. The fear of supervisors using appraisal tools to punish or even threaten their subordinates make them quite uneasy. These among other reasons make some workers in the Gambia fear appraisal so much. In fact, some staff see it as

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Gamjobs rolls out soft skills training to returnees

By Ousman Seckan Gamjobs through REAP project and with support from Migration and Sustainable Development Gambia (MSDG) and GK Partnershas rolled out returnees’ training on soft skills, job coaching, and placement opportunities in the Gambia. Three hundred thousand dalasis (300,000) is earmarked for this project, which will run for 6 months. Dodou Kah, the Talent and Career Coach, Gamjobs,said the

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Things you should never mention in an interview

By Ousman Seckan The excitement you feel when called for job interview is quite phenomenal, but this excitement can be ruined inadvertently when you do not know the right respond to a few interview questions. Scores of interviewees in the Gambia are usually eager to respond to questions instead of carefully analyzing them for befitting responses. In this article, I

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Main issues candidates must not overlook when called for interview

By Ousman Seckan In the Gambia, job seekers are usually quick to complain of the turn-down of their carefully prepared applications when they have met the requirements and also answered all the interview questions. It wonders them what is actually responsible for this rejection despite their qualification and experience. In this article, I will discuss 5 things recruiting managers are

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Four factors that lead to rejection of your application even though you’re qualified

By Ousman Seckan In the Gambia, the general perception that if your job application is rejected after supposedly meeting the required qualifications, there is no doubt the job is given to a relative, friend or a loved one. While I cannot refute this possibility in its entirety; I’m with the conviction not all positions can be given to relatives, especially

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6 soft skills you need to become a high performing employee

By Ousman Seckan Like elsewhere around the world, employers in the Gambia are seemingly engaged in competition for top talents to keep their services and businesses thriving. As such, technical and professional capabilities aren’t enough to excel professionally and sustain a job. Recruiters are increasingly concerned about soft skills because they have come to realize that these skills drive performance.

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The Ugly Uneven State of the Digital Sphere

If there is any positive lesson taken from the COVID pandemic, it is the importance of technology in our lives. Digital transformation has become the order of day, even for those without technologies. Every sector, organizations, institutions and even people’s family engagement were all digitized, leaving many people marginalized. The lingering question is how do we level the playing field

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A daunting challenge in the life of a graduate during the process of seeking employment

Usually, graduations are term as achievement and show some degree of success. It is very beautiful to see one-self graduating from a university. Grandaunts tend to have rationale and super spirits whenever they think of the life that awaits them. From the four years’ experience, they will take with them the memories, good and bad and as well relationship that

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Gamjobs launches SMS job alert service in response to Covid-19 pandemic

Gamjobs in collaboration with UNDP-The Gambia Accelerator Lab has introduced an SMS service targeting job seekers and employers, geared toward increasing public access to job information. This will enable job seekers and employers to be receiving regular job information amid coronavirus pandemic. Through the service, job seekers will receive real-time SMS alerts of existing job opportunities directly on their mobile

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Now is the time to make your next career move to Gambia as a foreign national

Gambia has undergone several years of dictatorship, during this period, the county was virtually shut down for foreign national, often, due to fear of the regime.Apart from tourist visiting the country mostly during the winter for sunshine,Gambia’s doors were closed for foreign workers. Now that the country had a smooth transition, several foreign nationals are eying the country as their

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